In a time when standardized tests direct curriculums, everything is rushed and teachers do the heavy lifting for students. Information is spoon fed at mach speed to be memorized and regurgitated on one exam or another, either in the classroom or school-wide. But this isn’t learning, which explains why reading, writing, and math scores are at historic lows. When teachers are forced to do the thinking for students and provide no time or space for students to meaningfully reflect on the material, students only learn that information is meant to be processed and assessed, then forgotten. Under this system, schools deprive students of the most essential skill for deep learning: metacognition.
What is metacognition?
In simplest terms, metacognition (or metacognitive skills) is “thinking about thinking.” Metacognition is a complex umbrella of skills that can be applied to learning any concept. Students may do it instinctively when they recall prior information before learning more information on a subject, utilize a specific formula to solve a math problem, or decide to leave a noisy space to avoid distraction.
When approaching a new task, students use this skill in three different ways:
Ex: Using prewriting methods such as a “braindump” to generate a list of ideas, then using a graphic organizer to outline those ideas for an informative essay.
Why is Metacognition necessary for learning?
The most important aspect of metacognition is that it focuses on learning, not getting the highest score possible, or even the correct answer. In fact, students learn more by making errors and mistakes than seeking perfection, giving them an opportunity to reflect on what went wrong. What does this look like in action?
The teacher hands out a test, and a student looks over the assessment in panic. Despite studying, they don’t feel prepared. When reading the questions, they feel confused and overwhelmed, fighting the urge to give up because it’s too hard. Instead, the student takes a deep breath and decides to use a “divide and conquer” strategy to approach the test. By looking at the entire test before beginning, they identify areas they have more confidence in than others, and start there. By chunking the test into sections, focusing on the questions they know rather than ones where they might guess, they strengthen their belief that the test is manageable. Once the easiest parts are complete, they move onto the harder sections, but recall that some of the questions they completed have information that will help them answer other questions they struggled with. By “using the test to take the test,” they are able to successfully answer questions they second-guessed previously. After they are done, they review the test answers for accuracy, and happen to catch a question they missed and correct a wrong answer. By self-reflecting on their ability and determining effective methods for approaching a difficult task, they successfully complete a test they first thought impossible, and secure a higher score.
How does one learn metacognition?
For most successful, college-educated adults, the above example seems like a familiar scenario with an obvious solution. But the truth is that while some students develop metacognitive skills independently, the majority of students need them to be taught explicitly. For students with weak metacognition, here are four ways to strengthen the “learning muscle”:
Metacognition is a complex skill that serves as the key to deep, long-term learning. Without this skill, students never move past the surface of most concepts and lack critical skills for success in studying, reading, writing, and demonstrating their knowledge. In the post, we will examine ways to utilize these metacognitive skills specifically in ELA.
Human beings avoid doing things they don't like. As adults, we avoid going to the DMV until absolutely necessary, put off annoying tasks at work right up to a deadline, or continue to put off scheduling an appointment. However, when students avoid or procrastinate doing school work, many parents and educators conclude this behavior stems from a lack of motivation.
Some people are born naturally argumentative. Not in the confrontational way we associate with the word "argument." Instead, they seemed primed to be lawyers from a young age, turning every conversation into a debate. Certain personalities exhibit an innate understanding of the logic, critical thinking, and nuance of argument. Those with this keen sense of argumentation exhibit natural persuasiveness but also better grasp pattern recognition, relationships between ideas, and problem-solving.
When asked, nearly 60% of Gen Z students report they would like to be social media influencers. Interestingly, give those same students the chance to opt out of presentation in class, and they will jump at the opportunity. So why would a generation bent on seeking an audience avoid standing up in front of a classroom to practice public speaking skills? It’s a conundrum that vexes educators. While the chances of attaining influencer stardom are as slim as becoming any celebrity, public speaking and strong oral communication skills are coveted in the workplace.